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Save Data

Game Data Load

Load the saved game data from the selected slot.

Game Data Load
Load game data from memory.
Save Slot
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
  • Save Slot: The save slot to use.

Game Data Remove

Remove any previously saved game data in the selected slot.

Game Data Remove
Clear all saved game data from memory.
Save Slot
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
  • Save Slot: The save slot to use.

Game Data Save

Save the current game data into the selected slot.

Game Data Save
Save current game data to memory. Requires cartridge type with BATTERY.
Save Slot
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
On Save
On Load
On Save
Add Event
  • Save Slot: The save slot to use.
  • On Save: A script to run after the save is completed. This won't be run on game load so you can use it show a 'Save Was Successful' message.
  • On Load: A script to run after this save data has been loaded.

Control Flow

If Game Data Saved

Conditionally run part of the script if save data is present within the specified save slot.

If Game Data Saved
Save Slot
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
Run if player has saved a game.
Add Event
  • Save Slot: The save slot to use.
  • True: The script to run if the condition is true.
  • False: The script to run if the condition is false.


Store Variable from Game Data In Variable

Read a variable's value from a specified save slot and store it in a variable.

Store Variable from Game Data In Variable
Set Variable
To Variable
From Save Slot
Slot 1
Slot 2
Slot 3
  • Set Variable: The variable to update.
  • To Variable: The variable to read the value of.
  • From Save Slot: The save slot to use.